halio-, hali-, halo-, hal-
(Greek > Latin: salt or "the sea")
Don't confuse this halio-, halo-, hal- unit with another hal- unit which means "breathe, breath".
The intake of an enormous amount of salt: Because of a severe case of haliphagy, Susan had to go to the doctor at once and was sent to the hospital for care.
Marine or inland saltwater planktonic organisms: There was a great documentation on TV about the haliplankton that described the floating and swimming organisms of the ocean, but which were not found in fresh water lakes.
A loss or lack of lime salts in bones; osteomalacia: When Mrs. Gregory visited Dr. Smith, she was diagnosed with halisteresis, which he said was a deficiency of calcium in her bone structure
Native salt; sodium chloride: Halite, also termed "rock salt", is a white colourless mineral and is used to produce common salt.
A marine organism: The halobion, described in Jane's biology book, thrives in a saline environment, as in an ocean.
A marine organism living in a saline habitat: In her biology class at school, Alice learned about halobionts that seemingly thrived in salty environments, as in the sea.
halobiotic (adjective), more halobiotic, most halobiotic
A reference to life in the sea: Halobiotic plants and animals exist only in such salty conditions or areas, as in a sea.
A vertical gradient in the saltiness of the ocean: Thomas learned that salinity in a halocline, a middle layer of oceanic water, increases swiftly with depth than in the layers below or above it.
A skin eruption caused by a halide: Tom noticed a strange spot that flared up on his arm, and after seeing Dr. Jones about it, it was diagnosed to be a halodermia, caused by a halogen acid.
haloduric (adjective), more haloduric, most haloduric
Capable of existing in a medium containing a high concentration of salt: Haloduric organisms have adapted to living in conditions with high salinity, like in hypersaline lakes, in salt marshes, or in inland salt seas.
One of the five electronegative diatomic elements, which are fluorine, chlorine, iodine, bromine, or astatine: These components are used to describe lamps or other light sources containing a filament heated by a halogen because the components readily form salts when combined with most metals, including sodium.
A treatise or dissertation on the nature and quality of salts: Because Kitty was writing a term paper about the Atlantic Ocean, she was happy to find a halography on the internet all about the aspects and features of salt in saltwater.
haloid (adjective), more haloid, most haloid
Relating to salty conditions: Haloid soil is characterized by high salt content, concentrated solutions and with a crystalloid content of more than 0.5 parts per thousand.
In geology, the study of the structure and processes involved in the formation of salt domes; salt tectonics: In Floyd's geography class they talked about halokinesis, or how crystalline rock salt is upwelled from the earth's surface and about the surrounding malformed sediments.
halolimnetic (adjective), more halolimnetic, most halolimnetic
Pertaining to salt lakes: Chuck tried to find more information regarding halolimnetic bodies of water since he was interested in the lake close to his home which was known for its saltiness.
Related "salt" unit:
Inter-related cross references, directly or indirectly, involving the "sea" and the "ocean" bodies of water: abysso- (bottomless); Atlantic; batho-, bathy- (depth); bentho- (deep, depth); mare, mari- (sea); necto-, nekto- (swimming); oceano-; pelago- (sea, ocean); plankto- (drifting); thalasso- (sea, ocean).